Royal College of Healthcare delivers training for the aged, community and disability care industry. Taking place in various locations across Queensland and we offer a range of other modes of study.
Industry providers say Royal College graduates are in demand. That’s because we provide quality up-to-the-minute courses and exceptional trainers who are committed to training students to be prepared and career-ready.
Specialising in the disability and aged care industry, the Royal College of Healthcare offer courses specifically tailored to the needs of the healthcare sector.
Delivery modes
Whether you are in metro, regional, remote or rural Queensland, we offer flexible delivery options to suit your lifestyle.
Career outcomes
Studying at Royal College of Healthcare can lead to a variety of job outcomes in the aged care industry.
Fees and funding
Royal College of Healthcare has government funding available for eligible students.
Recognition of Prior Learning
Through RPL we will work with you to determine which units you have been granted RPL for and which units we can train you in.
Skilling Queenslanders for Work
Royal College of Healthcare has contracts with Community Centres to deliver training under this funding.
School-Based Traineeships
School-based traineeships provide an opportunity for young people (usually in Years 11 and 12) to participate in training and work as paid employees while completing senior schooling.
Royal College of Healthcare is a Pre-qualified Supplier under the User Choice program providing training for CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing)
Ready to get started?
Our friendly course advisors are here to answer any questions you may have. Simply fill out the form below or call us on 1300 032 011.